Pros and Cons Rosacea Therapy – Free Health Videos


Skin Care” provides a dermatologist’s review of the pros and cons of products for treating rosacea such as sunscreens, moisturizers or topicals as well as those with active ingredients.

In order to reduce irritation, cleansing your skin with Cetaphil is the initial step towards rosacea care. Cerave Laroche Posay is and Cerave Laroche Posay contain no trace of active components. Every person has their own threshold to the product they are using. You may get rosacea if your threshold is less. Some people are able to handle drugs with active concentrations up to 20%, many can manage concentrations lower than 20%.

In terms of treatment dermatologists do not recommend using products that contain acid with an acidity level of 2 to 5 since they could affect and cause irritation to the skin. It is thus recommended to use anti-inflammatory effects. Dermatologists also can use lasers for treating rosacea on the skin and are highly effective.

However severe the skin issue that causes Rosacea, consult a dermatologist to get advice on any treatments or products to consider. lhgectmf12.